IGMPlot website

IGMPlot - A code using either promolecular or QM density with IGM-δg index for detecting and plotting interactions.

Related links

Quantum Chemistry packages
  1. Gaussian
  3. NWChem
  4. xtb
  5. ADF

Other programs based on electron density
  1. NCIPLOT the original NCI program
  2. cuNCI A GPU accelerated implementation of NCI
  3. MILANO NCI for X-Ray densities (XD2006), CRYSTAL and GAUSSIAN
  4. CRITIC2 NCI for periodic calculations (Wien,VASP)
  5. Multiwfn AIM, ELF/LOL, ...
  6. AIM2000 AIM analysis
  7. AIMALL AIM analysis
  8. Xaim AIM analysis
