IGMPlot website

IGMPlot - A code using either promolecular or QM density with IGM-δg index for detecting and plotting interactions.


Please cite the following references when publishing results obtained with IGMPlot:

  1. The program IGMPlot
    C. Lefebvre, J. Klein, H. Khartabil, J.-C. Boisson, E. Hénon
    "IGMPlot: A program to identify, characterize, and quantify molecular interactions"
    J. Comp. Chem., 44(2023) 1750-1766 https://doi.org/10.1002/jcc.27123

  2. The original IGM approach
    Lefebvre C., Rubez G., Khartabil H., Boisson JC., Contreras-García J., Hénon E.
    "Accurately extracting the signature of intermolecular interactions present in the NCI plot of the reduced density gradient versus electron density"
    Phys Chem Chem Phys, 19(2017) 17928-17936

  3. The extension of IGM to QM-derived electron density
    C. Lefebvre, H. Khartabil, J.-C. Boisson, J. Contreras-García, J.-P. Piquemal, E. Hénon
    "Independent Gradient Model: a new approach for probing strong and weak interactions in molecules from wave function calculations"
    Chem Phys Chem, 19(2018) 724-735

  4. The atomic decomposition scheme of the interaction
    M. Ponce-Vargas, C. Lefebvre, J.-C. Boisson, E. Hénon
    "Atomic Decomposition Scheme of Noncovalent Interactions Applied to Host–Guest Assemblies"
    J. Chem. Inf. Model., 60(2020) 268-278

  5. The Intrinsic Bond Strength Index (IBSI)
    J. Klein, H. Khartabil, J.-C. Boisson, J. Contreras-García, J.-P. Piquemal, E. Hénon
    "New Way for Probing Bond Strength"
    J. Phys. Chem. A, 124(2020) 1850-1860

  6. The Atomic Degree of Interaction (DoI)
    C. Lefebvre, H. Khartabil, and E. Hénon
    "New insight into atomic-level interpretation of interactions in molecules and reacting systems"
    PCCP, 25 (2023) 11398-11409

  7. The Pair Density Asymmetry (PDA)
    C. Lefebvre, J. Klein, H. Khartabil, J.-C. Boisson, E. Hénon
    "IGMPlot: A program to identify, characterize, and quantify molecular interactions"
    J. Comp. Chem., (2023)

  8. The descriptor qg
    C. Lefebvre, J. Klein, H. Khartabil, J.-C. Boisson, E. Hénon
    "IGMPlot: A program to identify, characterize, and quantify molecular interactions"
    J. Comp. Chem., (2023)
